Friday, June 19, 2009

Final Draft

Meeting Space furniture ideas

The reason the dinning table is very curvy to link to both clients round and curviness because the meeting space is very hard edged, so to break the hard edged I think that curved furniture will make good balance of hard and round in the environment.
This dinning table is imported from sketchup

Prada Space development

This image above is Prada store in New York and I want to use this store layout on my Prada space. This store has open space from where we are viewing and I think by having a open space it will make Prada space to seen bigger and wider.

Marking Schedules

Full Draft 1

For this full draft I have not placed the furniture in, such as dinning table, chairs and office table and chairs as well. For me this draft was to see how well my own ideas for each clients office has performed.

The outcome that I have gained from this draft model was that two offices and the meeting place does not go together. They do not seem to link together. But if you look at it a lone it looks fine.

For Madonna I kept her with one kind of shape, a sphere and her lighting is intense pink to show her dominant femininity, and from the meeting place to her office the lighting changes so the meeting place and her office has connection.

For Prada I made a ring to show the movement of the fabric and the colour changes from blue to pink to show her femininity as well.

Ideas for Prada's office

KEYWORD: Unconventional, Femininity, Dictate
Prada's overview space links with my keywords from the mashup and my ideas drawn above. But her actual office space is just an idea that might make good combination with the very round rings and hard edged bridge. So I have built it in octagon shape.

Ideas for Madonna's Office

KEYWORD: Shallow, Echoing, Diligent
I have used my ideas from the top image to show Madonna's key words from my mashup.
Her space is really round to show her smoothness and also her characteristic that we see.

Prada's Elevator

Prada's Elevator: I have changed Prada's elevator slightly from my elevator ideas. Prada's elevator is very simple with just supports on each side to protect her from falling, so it gives security within the elevator. The reason her elevator is simple is to give balance to her office design which has a lot of movement in it.
This elevator is imported from sketchup

Madonna's Elevator

Madonna's Elevator: The composition of this elevator is reflected to her stage when she performs. The reason I have reflected on her stage image to show how she is strongly relates to her career as popular world known singer. The lighting is pink to show her femininity. Also it refers to one of my main focus key word for Madonna, 'Echoing.'
This elevator is imported from sketchup

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ideas for Madonna and Prada's Elevator

These images above are my ideas for both clients linking to their concept of image that are seen to the world.

36 Movement Textures

2 point perspectives