Monday, May 11, 2009

Mashup of 3 Articles

With possible exception no designer is as diffident as Miuccia Prada, and Madonna has telegraphed her intentions of femininity more efficiently than any observer. The "first" new president Obama democratized from political advantage. Ms. Prada widely believed with her deliberately echoing eccentric and unconventional uses of pattern and shape. Obama was smart to stay shallow, alongside Madonna intends to stay competitive. Ms. Prada increasingly constricting dictates of fashion, cautiously optimistic with high hope of sense which she never pretended to be anything but diligent. Alongside whatever Madonna, Miuccia Prada, Obama have resolved their first major initiative was a "GIGANTIC, AGGRESSIVE, DISCIPLINED, DETERMINED" but SUCCESS and also love it, of course.



Pathways by UT

EXP 3: 1 point perspectives

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Unreal Map;13706130;/fileinfo.html


"If I have a thousand ideas in the centre, and only one turns out to be reasonably optimistic of Armageddon, I am satisfied."

Relation to ElectroLiquid Aggregation: The meeting point is placed in the "Centre" and the also the lighting extending out from the meeting point is gradually shifting into red tone to refer to the word "Armageddon."

Relation to ElectroLiquid Aggregation: This long hallway of Nobel's laboratory is moving towards the "Centre" of his laboratory and from this view it gives "Optimistic" view of the environment.

Relation to ElectroLiquid Aggregation: This is inside Campbell's laboratory and it strongly relates to the word "Armageddon" by the dominant lighting of red, and the texture in the "Centre" cube illustrates the word "Thousand pieces."

Developement of Ramp

I have added ramp inside Keith Campbell's laboratory to be able to above the centre cube in his lab so it shows different views of the lab and by having ramp inside it doesn't make the laboratory look empty.

This is the top view of the two ramps extending out from the meeting point. I have changed the ramp that comes up to the meeting point from Keith Campbell's laboratory, because it was very narrow and the player could fall if he moves across a little too much. so I made the ramp to go up by following the wall on the side so its much safer.

I have extended the Alfred Nobel's laboratory much longer in vertical direction (the single rectangular cubism) and added ramp from one end of this lab to top of the other lab which is in horizontal. By having that ramp it gives long view of the meeting point and Alfred Nobel's laboratories. Also other than ramp I have used some stairs on each side to show the level in the laboratory and also used different range of colours in the lighting to refer to his quote of "thousand ideas."

3 Different Tone Textures

Light Texture

This texture is placed on the ceiling which starts from one end of the cube to the other end. Also it is placed on each one side of the stairs inside this cube. The pattern refers to his quote "Thousand pieces" by having different sizes of rectangle and squares.

Medium Texture

This texture is placed on the floor of the corridor to Keith Campbell's Laboratory. To give repetitive pattern to inside lab I have place on the floor of his lab. Also this pattern in placed inside his lab, floor and ceiling. This pattern also relates to the word "Centre" and "Armageddon" from his quote, the white squares and near the centre and it spreading out like the explosion of bomb from the word "Armageddon."

Dark Texture

The dark texture is placed on the outside frame of the meeting point to give more texture and pattern in to the meeting area. Since all the shapes are square or rectangle shapes, I thought it will give good balance with circle patterns.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

36 Textures



Ramp from Keith Campbell's Laboratory (inside lab) to the meeting point.

I have included gradual shift of light tones to the colour that is moving from. At the bottom it starts as reddish colour because the laboratory has red tone from the word "Armageddon" and then it builds up to yellowish colour to come close to green colour. I wanted to have green lighting in the meeting area because the green colour gives comfortable and relaxing mood to the atmosphere and I personally think that where the meeting point is where they can have time out from their crazy thinking from the laboratory.

Ramp leading up to Alfred Noble's Laboratory (outside lab) from the meeting point.

This ramp also has gradual shift of tone but in opposite pattern to the ramp coming up to the meeting point from Keith Campbell's laboratory. I have selected similar pattern and similar tone to the other ramp to give balance and harmony in both ramps.

Full view of two ramps extending out from the meeting point.

Lecture 7

This image shows the construction of buildings from block of cubism shapes with subtracting a hole through the solid cubism shape. The structure of model is constructed in hard edged shapes with layers of cubism shapes on top of each other or intersecting each other to form a one whole building. This point relates to my main idea of two labs.

Firstly, the hole in the top right portrays same image of my Alfred Nobel's laboratory up in the sky. I have shown similar, almost same picture as the image above by using simple long rectangular cubism to illustrate Nobel's quote "Thousand Ideas." By having a hole inside the solid rectangular cubism describes that it needs deeper thinking to come up with thousands of ideas. And your thinking comes from deep inside your brain through the neuron like a hollow cube.

Secondly, the subtraction of cube shapes from solid area also corresponds to Keith Campbell's laboratory. Campbell's lab has strong subtraction of two cube shape with solid cube shape in the centre referring to the image above with different angled hard edged cube shapes with strong solid cube structure shapes being dormant by the tone as well.

Electroliquid Aggregation

Alfred Nobel: "If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied."

Keith Campbell: "Most of the retailers in our centre are reasonably optimistic. Nobody's seeing the Armageddon that were appearing several months ago."

Electroliquid Aggregation:

"If I have a thousand ideas in the centre, and only one turns out to be reasonably optimistic of Armageddon, I am satisfied."

Meeting point

Combine of 2 axononmetric.

Front view of the meeting point. The middle big glass area is where the main meeting point is.

Top view of the meeting point.

Side view of the meeting point. There is two ramps extending out from the meeting point. One going down is to Keith Campbell's Laboratory and one going up is to Alfred Nobel's Laboratory.

This is the view from inside of the main meeting point, and its looking out towards Alfred Nobel's laboratory.

18 Parallel Projections

The images below are the combination of 2 different combination of 3 cubes from 18 axonometrics.

These images below are different layout positions of two labs that I'm going to use towards my final developement.