Monday, March 29, 2010

Final Model

This is 1:50 scale model of Mother's House by Robert Venturi.
This model is made by balsa wood and the site model base is MDF.
The section is cut through the middle of the house in long way to show the symetrical of the interior of the house, complex vs simple. The symetrical of the house can be seen outside but in perpendicular direction to sectional cut.

Final Poche

This is Poche in 1:100 scale
Top image is Poche of both the ground level and first level plans
Bottom image is poche of the section

Final Parti

This is 1:200 scale Parti of Mother's House
Top image is Parti of First Level Plan and Section
Bottom image is Parti of Ground Level

Mother's House Plans, Sections, Elevations

Rober Venturi's Mother's House Plans, Sections and Elevations in Scale 1:100

Mother's House

Venturi's first important project to be built was his mother's house, the Vanna Venturi House of 1961-1964. Disarmingly simple after the spatial antics of later Modernism and this design in based on a symbolic conception rather than purely spatially abstract.

It is centered on the idea of the chimney,the hearth, from which you can feel the space is being pulled. The space is distended from that hearth as the mass of the chimney rises up to split the house. And the whole house is risng and being split through the middle.

"The architect stresses that 'The house is big as well as little, by which I mean that it this is a little house with big scale. Outside, the manifestations of big scale are the main elements, which are bing and few in number and central or symmetrical in position, as well as the simplicity and consistency of the form and silhouette of the whole. The main reason fot the large scale is to counterbalance the complexity. Complexity in combination with scale in small buildings means busyness. Like the other organized complexities here, the big scale in the small building achieves tension rather than nervousness...' "

-Stanislaus von Moos. Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown: Buildings and Projects. pg244-246