Sunday, May 9, 2010

Final Model

This is my final model for the Project 2.
This model's concept was brought from Dutch painting by Pieter de Hooch, 'The Musical Conversation.'
When I was developing through to my final design for this model, I focused on my narrative and painting's story, which I was figuring out by analysising the painting.
My narrative is; 'A private place for a soloist to practice in a town square.'
So, from the model I tried to build a model with a private but public mood to the soloist.
The soloist is placed on the top floor of building which has a large opening, and this opening allows her to send out her song out to the public environment. This opening for the roof constructs as a private but public feeling to the building.
The windows on this model suggests the melody, beat, tempo, rhythm and all of this words represents the musical inspiration to this model.
The ramp which leads the soloist from ground level to the top level links back to the painting. In the painting, from the enterance from the door to where the soloist is, brings the light from the darkness to the bright light. So when the soloist walks up to her room, it brings intense light to her as she enters her private space to practice for her music.
This builing is placed on the street infront of Delft Canal, because the canal of waters have representation of music like rhythm and flow of melody, it gives smoothness.

Final Plan/Section/Axo

Plan and Section of View

Poche of Plan and Section
